Kuumba/Blackson Rise

Forum Jan 12th, 2025

Student Achievement and Equity:

  • Approaches to narrow the education gap between black students and their counterparts in the classroom are well known and have significant effect sizes.  Some of which the district is implementing, many are not. While I do not think it is the board member’s job to implement them, I think it is the board member’s job to be familiar with them and strive to create the environment in which trained interventionists have the bandwidth to focus on high quality implementation of these strategies with fidelity-- the strategies are only as good as the quality of their implementation. Teachers and interventionists have lacked support in this area in the recent years. We need to strengthen this support to teachers and interventionists so evidence based interventions can be consistently delivered to those that need them the most. Strengthening these practices in our existing classrooms has benefits beyond narrowing the education gap, such as cost savings with transportation if students can receive the support they need at their neighborhood school, rather than being bused to a facility with a more robust support system. The district is top heavy and I fear through their deficit reduction plan, the ability to deliver these services will be further impaired as teachers and support staff are cut at much higher rates than the higher paid administrators. “Ensuring Student and Teacher needs are at the center of all financial decisions” is one of the main guiding pillars of my campaign. I believe strongly in ensuring evidence based supports are available and implemented to narrow the education gap for those who need it the most.

  • We need to be clear that our solutions to financial challenges can not negatively impact the academic outcomes of the students of district 65. “Ensuring Student and Teacher needs are at the center of all financial decisions” is one of the main guiding pillars of my campaign. Focusing spending at the student/teacher/support interface maximizes impact of the dollar spent. The board member’s job in this case would be to consider many alternative financial options and remain steadfast on the strategic goals of the district. The first strategic goal being “Equity.” Change in federal assistance are not largely causative of the districts’ current financial standing at this point and district finances should be robust enough to withstand small to medium ripples in funding. We need to reduce the use of language that suggests equity and fiscal responsibility are at odds. This is not a zero sum game. It's true the district faces grave financial challenges, but it's also true that we have many resources at our disposal. 

  • Standards based grading is a change to the A-F system that has been the primary method of grading pupils for at least hundreds of years. The purpose for this change is that traditional grading (A-F) is an assessment “OF” learning, whereas (when properly implemented), SBG is an assessment “FOR” learning. It is an assessment tool that provides much more information than the traditional A-F as it separates academic performance from attitude, social interactions and motivation. 

    The system may be well intentioned but the rollout has been poor and communication with families and teachers lacking. It should be very clear what a student has to do in order to get the EX and ME scores and the parents/teachers/students should be better educated. I think a grading system training document for use at parent teacher conferences could be centrally developed by admin and reviewed with parents at the parent teacher conferences, taking 3-5 minutes. These trainings could review basic SBG   information, what the student needs to improve upon, what they can do to get better scores, what they are doing well at, and any other information that may inform high-school readiness. Receiving an EX score should be obtainable and how to do it should not be a mystery. The district needs to be explicit, informed, and intentional about decisions like SBG being made and follow through with strong and informed implementation.

  • The first strategic goal of the district is Equity, resources should always go where they are needed the most. Access to resources (whether it be interventists, additional programming, etc) is to be determined by necessity. As a society and educational institution, we should continually strive to identify our hidden biases and foster belonging and “being seen” for all of our students, especially if they identify in a minority group. Having socially and culturally relevant curricular materials and teachers/principals with a high degree of cultural competence is important. We also need to learn from the past, both distant and recent, to guide our future to what we want it to be. From my perspective, the main role of the School Board in this process is ensuring the goals for the district stay clear, resources are being appropriately allocated, and that highly qualified administrative staff are hired that understand the big picture as well as the intricacies of implementation.

  • For this situation, best practices are likely to align with significant cost savings for the district. Currently, many students with special needs are bused to private facilities due to lack of supports in the district. By strengthening the supports in district 65, the need for transportation is reduced as well as the need to pay that facility for services. The students with special needs should be supported at their neighborhood schools. Best practices for students with special needs is to keep them with their peers as much as possible. This results in improvements in academic skills, communication and social skills versus placing students with special needs in a  school for special needs. This helps all students with special needs, and is less likely to do harm, as separating black children with special needs from their peers is likely to do. “Ensuring Student and Teacher needs are at the center of all financial decisions” is one of the main guiding pillars of my campaign. – and in short, I believe in keeping students with special needs in the class as much as possible with appropriate interventions and that it is better for students and the budget.

  • The overall strength of the School District would be the first step in incentivizing any educators to pursue careers in teaching and hopefully, teaching within District 65. Using a recruiting network focused for black educators and word of mouth goes a long way here. Fostering a sense of inclusion for black educators is important and educating teacher candidates on the demographics of the district as well as their potential peers could also be helpful. Pay/benefits needs to be competitive for any educators to come to the district and the district needs to be in better financial standing to pay teachers a more competitive market wage and benefits. Ensuring any candidates are familiar with the strategic goals should ensure that their personal goals and attributes are aligned with the districts. Equity is the first strategic goal of the district and generally should be a part of every process.

  • I draw on Bessie Rhodes as a case study …. 

    ·  Personally I have talked to most board members multiple times in support of Bessie Rhodes as its closing is a social injustice in the district that harmed many black and brown families and immigrant families, which is not in line with strategic goal of Equity

    ·  Two Way Immersion (TWI) is an evidence based strategy to reduce the achievement gap for Black and brown students and to dismantle the TWI program (while stating the district will be expanding it) is opposing equity principals and weakening evidence based programming

    I serve as secretary on the Bessie Rhodes PTA which in part is bridge building and supporting the community, I also help with events that support this sense of community

    ·        Bessie Rhodes School is comprised of 91% students of color and has been chronically under resourced and weakened by misinformation, administrative turnover, and the false narrative that the 5th ward school cannot exist without its closure

    ·  I have spoken publicly about this at Board of Education Meetings as well and have been involved in our Bessie Rhodes community as it is a one-of-kind special community

    ·  The current board believes in equity ‘in name only’ and their folly with the Bessie Rhodes community proves that the Board and District administration cannot be trusted to make reasonable equitable decisions

  • Historically, prior to 1967, racist housing finance practices and general public sentiment drove Black families into the 5th ward. This created a neighborhood school system segregated by race. With the vast majority of Black families living in the 5th ward and attending Foster school, which was majority white prior to WW2. In the mid-1960s, desegregation movements began to be realized in the area and in 1967, district 65 was to be desegregated. The neighborhood school Foster, was to be turned into a lab school and the Black children of the 5th Ward were to be transported across the district in attempt to desegregate district 65. In the late 1970s, the impact of busing on Black children, the closure of Foster School and the impact on the 5th ward community began to become generally recognized as unfair and harmful. Black children were bearing the burden of desegregation to the benefit of white dominant communities throughout Evanston. The movement to try to right this social injustice began and persisted through enrollment drops, redistricting, and other school closures. The movement’s central focus was to bring back a neighborhood school to the 5th ward and more equitably share racial integration. A referendum failed to pass in 2012 for funding to build a new 5th ward school and most recently, a lease certificate funding strategy was passed by the board and district administration to fund the building of a 5th ward school, which is currently in construction. In short, it is a story of systemic racism and burdening Black families for multiple generations and never.

Governance and Accountability:

  • Illinois School Code states the school board shall make all decisions pertaining to the superintendent's employment and direct, through policy, the superintendent in the school District’s administration. In addition to the School Code, principles of good governance should be followed such as clarifying the district’s purpose and goals, which can be done by ensuring the district is staying on path with their strategic goals and assuring that those goals reflect the philosophy of the community. The individual Board member has a more nuanced role with less statutory guidance. A board member should connect with the community, which can and should be done a number of ways including through school liaison meetings, 1 on 1 conversation, regular office hours, public question and answer if needed, and general accessibility. The board member should also honestly evaluate performance of the superintendent and peers when necessary. Appropriate assessment and growth focused feedback is a cornerstone of quality improvement and should be contractually obligated to be conducted with district administration, regularly. The board member should be personable and professional, follow the Code of Conduct, do more listening than talking, and strive to represent the needs of the whole district to the best of their ability. The board member should think and make independent decisions based on their own analyses and experience, knowing hard decisions will need to be made. The board member should work with all team members for the betterment of the education of the children of district 65, regardless of general disagreements or any differences. The board member should believe in public education and be well-informed on the issues the district faces, knowing this takes significant time and effort. The board member should keep themselves and their peers accountable to high quality consideration and decision-making needs of the district.

  • My decision-making process has been described as analytical or systematic. I generally start by ensuring I understand any problem or question well. Then search available data in the literature base, discuss with experts and consider levels of evidence, which is always taken into context; from expert opinion/editorials all the way to systematic reviews, each level must be given appropriate context when informing a decision. Contextual confounders and socio-cultural considerations may influence decisions and should always be a part of the process, if not the root of the issue or question. Listening to the community is huge here. Being mindful of the WAYS we listen to the community and taking advantage of opportunities to listen has been left to the wayside in the recent past and we can learn from this. Sometimes very difficult decisions have to be made and not every group may be satisfied, but listening to the community and using data-informed strategies leads to a better decision making process. Tough decisions do not have to be bad decisions

  • Assessing the success of district administration may be one of the most important roles of the School Board, and regular assessment verbiage should be a part of all superintendent contracts. The board serves as a check and balance for the district, where the public vetting and campaign process coupled with a free and fair election serves as a check and balance for the board. The majority of the sitting board were appointed prior to being elected and did not undergo this rigorous process prior to making important board and district decisions. They then benefitted from incumbency when up for election and several ran unopposed. This very forum is already improving this process by vetting school board candidates publicly.  Strategic goal 2 of the strategic plan approved for 5 years in 2020 is “Accountability,” but does not mention accountability of the district administration. Additions should be made to include accountability of district administration with regard to procedure and management. Further, the Strategic Goals page online claims “Measures are being developed to ensure we remain on-track and accountable for our progress.” These measures need further definition and quality, regular implementation. The strategic plan is the compass for the district administration and board. If decisions are being made and resources are being allocated with questionable impact to goals of strategic plan, then we need to readdress the plan and reinforce its importance in guiding the district activities and resources. The system may be well intentioned but the rollout has been poor and communication with families and teachers lacking. It should be very clear what a student has to do in order to get the EX and ME scores and the parents/teachers/students should be better educated. I think a grading system training document for use at parent teacher conferences could be centrally developed by admin and reviewed with parents at the parent teacher conferences, taking 3-5 minutes. These trainings could review basic SBG   information, what the student needs to improve upon, what they can do to get better scores, what they are doing well at, and any other information that may inform high-school readiness. Receiving an EX score should be obtainable and how to do it should not be a mystery. The district needs to be explicit, informed, and intentional about decisions like SBG being made and follow through with strong and informed implementation.

  • Assessing the success of district administration may be one of the most important roles of the School Board, and regular assessment verbiage should be a part of all superintendent contracts. The board serves as a check and balance for the district, where the public vetting and campaign process coupled with a free and fair election serves as a check and balance for the board. I think being commended for doing the right thing is good, but regular assessment of leadership from financial responsibility and academic outcomes domains is vital to ensuring we have the  right people in the job and they are performing well. It is documented that district administration knew about the financial state of the district about 10 months prior to saying anything about it and the handling of Bessie Rhodes 7th and 8th grade students as well as all botched plans with Bessie Rhodes suggest gross mismanagement. Regular assessment aids quality decision-making  and can help to redirect problematic situations.

  • The merger of the two districts has some very good arguments supporting it and also some criticisms. I don’t know when this will be a viable option for the two districts as D65 has many problems it currently faces that would complicate any merger, including fiscal, declining enrollment and much uncertainty of facility necessity and availability in the future. Generally, merger of the districts would be projected to cut costs as you could eliminate duplicative administrative overhead. The whole state has too many school districts and combining them is sometimes messy and difficult, so I think it would take a strong local push with some very clear desired outcomes and a proper risk/benefit analysis in order to come to fruition. The benefits I see possible are potential improvement in fiscal management, streamlining administration, and having better constructive communication between ETHS and district 65 with focus on better preparing kids for high school. Overall, I am support of consideration of a future merger.

District Priorities and Policies:

  • I would say that the top 2 priorities are side by side in the current state of affairs. Academic excellence should and will always remain at the top, but right next to it at this time is fiscal management. The degree or recent budgetary mismanagement is threatening the ability to provide academic excellence. We now have an environment where, in order stabilize the budget, teacher positions are being scrutinized and planned to be cut. “Ensuring Student and Teacher needs are at the center of all financial decisions” is one of the main guiding pillars of my campaign. I believe in many cases, you are not forced to choose either appropriate fiscal management over academic excellence. Cutting teachers during a teacher shortage, stagnant test scores with large education gaps, and while the district is administratively top heavy sure sends a signal about what priorities the district has chose to focus on. After these priorities, I think the district needs to reflect on its strategic goals and ensure that their activities are in line with all strategic goals and that there are objective metrics that can be used to support that.

  • I believe Northwestern could be doing more to invest in the community. They are benefitting from the current state while the district is currently and has been in need of help. They could help financially by direct donation of course, but I think they could provide a  multitude of other services that could be mutually beneficial. They could enhance the use of D65 as a training ground for allied health programs (PT, OT, etc), therapy programs (LCSW, psychology), interventionist training. This would benefit their training programs as a rich training venue in District 65 and would benefit d65 by expanding the reach of preceptor-supervised therapeutic intervention strategies throughout the district. Buy-in should not be too complex as these training programs exist to some extent in the community already and would just need to be strengthened in D65. Having more bandwidth to provide interventional and therapeutic services for those who need it the most, has a direct impact on the educational gap. Additionally, I think many analysts or data scientists may be interested in doing some pro-bono analyses for the district if it is something they can publish and use for academic evaluation. We should not be spending 6 figure sums every time we need an analysis done!

  • I believe senior cabinet leaders should live in the district and have a demonstrated record of involvement in the community as a prerequisite for consideration for their job. The board serves as a check and balance for the district, where the public vetting and campaign process coupled with a free and fair election serves as a check and balance for the board. The majority of the sitting board were appointed prior to being elected and did not undergo this rigorous process prior to making important board and district decisions. Knowing this, I was not surprised when the residency requirement was waved. I would much rather have a superintendent who had slightly less training, but more stake and involvement in the community than a superintendent without much at stake in the community and/or one that sees this district as a stepping stone for their career.

  • I support the construction of Foster School. The 5th ward community needs and deserves a neighborhood school. Like many items in the district presently, the problems are with the execution and implementation. Using lease certificates to fund a school construction is an unorthodox manner to fund a new school construction and comes down to the amount of risk the district is willing to assume. The lease certificate is high risk debt that adds to the operating budget of the district. The public and board were sold a story stating the transportation cost savings would offset lease certificate payments, which is false. The board rubber stamped this idea without due diligence or double checking the numbers, thereby assuming high risk debt without a realistic plan to repay it. This problem was exacerbated by the pandemic and rising construction costs, but the root of the problem remains the same - no one checked that the numbers worked. Now, the board and district are using a similar decision making process and the same data delivery methods solve the problems their mismanagement created. Pivoting to close Bessie Rhodes School of Global studies separate from a holistic, district-wise plan adds insult to injury as Bessie Rhodes is a wall to wall Two-Way-Immersion school meeting a unique need in our community. Further, the amplifying black voices survey showed STEM and culturally relevant curriculum as much higher priorities over TWI for the Foster School. District Administration and the Board appear to be emphasizing TWI in Foster school and thus ignoring the voices represented by amplifying Black voices. I do not believe in assuming high risk debt for the district. I do not believe in causing social injustices. I do not believe in impairing development of evidence-based curricula that narrow the education gap. I do believe in Foster school and that it should be a STEM focused school with a culturally relevant curriculum, per the voices reflected in the amplifying black voices survey.

    A substantial percentage of BR students live in the 5th ward, which can be said for several schools in the district, but BR is a small school and this absolute number is small too. This turns into an equity problem due to targeted imposition of hardship to a traditionally under-resourced population and stunting the development of dual language education (which, when properly implemented, can narrow the achievement gap for all students). This creates a social injustice in the name of trying to correct one of the past.

  • In this current environment or rolling out standards based grading to middle school, I think we should trust our teachers and school admins to make decisions on whether or  not a student is prepared for high school. After or during later stages of standards-based grading implementation, then we need to seriously address this question and draw clear lines as a community. For instance, how much progress shown on SBG equates to promotion to next grade or high school? What supports does the student need to be more successful and how can we better provide those supports? Are there external factors that need consideration. Also, maximizing the benefit of the D202/D65 committee so that we can perform quality improvement in D65. For instance, if D202 is noticing consistent areas for improvement in students incoming from D65, adjusting to address these areas as a district should be a priority.

  • This is a very big and important question. I personally think it should be a goal of the district to implement universal pre-K as is in line with strategic goals of Equity and Curriculum. As indicated in the question, pre-K is a highly impactful intervention for those at risk of education gap impaired outcomes. JEH is doing a good job and should be expanded universally. I acknowledge this is a big job and will require State and perhaps Federal legislative support. It is a highly important intervention and the district should strive to implement universal Pre-K when in a position to do so.

  • If elected to the board, I intend to bolster all forms of communication with the many voices of district 65. Much of this will be done with regular surveys from the  community soliciting feedback on key topics including culturally relevant curriculum, but also asking what supports could be better provided to ensure academic excellence for all students. Surveys would be digitally distributed for most, but also distributed via flyers in backpacks. As I have found with distribution of surveys in my own community, the multimodal distribution is best and the information that is collected is incredibly helpful in determining the general wants and needs of the community. I have seen widespread surveying used by the district in the past, but I am proponent of building a regularly distributed survey system to outreach the community better. 

    A shortcoming of the current board is they have generally disallowed public dialogue. You can go to a meeting and speak, but  they aren’t really listening, so you go and talk to the public. The board does follow a policy limiting dialogue with public, but board policy should not prohibit the board from engaging with its constituents. If elected to the board, I would work to change these board habits and allow thoughtful and constructive dialogue when the opportunities present themselves.

  • I am a mental health provider and I strongly believe in general concepts of SEL. When SEL is implemented well it has a tangible effect size on the academic achievement of students in addition to being important for social development. Like all subjects and interventions, there should be a balance and the students who need a little more instruction or guidance, should receive it. 


D65 PTA Council School Board Candidate Questionnaire